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Borrowing Policies

Loyola students, faculty, and staff may check out up to 500 items at a time. Alumni, visiting scholars, Friends of the Libraries members, and courtesy patrons may check out up to 100 items at a time. Loan periods for items from the University Libraries general collection are as follows:

Material Undergraduate Graduate Faculty & Administration Staff Alumni, Visiting Scholars, Friends of the Library, and Courtesy Patrons
Books 6 weeks end of the semester 1 year 6 weeks 6 weeks
Films 5 days 5 days 5 days 5 days in-library use only
Periodicals, reference books,
and archival materials
in library use only


You can renew most library items:

Item renewals for University Libraries general collection are usually unlimited unless someone else has requested the item.

Audiovisual Materials

Most AV items (videos and DVDs) have a loan period of 5 days. Please see Audiovisual Services for more information.

Course Reserves

Course Reserves are educational materials that we have set aside and made available for specific classes. These have shorter borrowing periods and different renewal policies. Please see Course Reserves for more information.