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Photocopiers are available at the following locations:

  • 2nd floor of the Information Commons (map)
  • 6th and 8th floors of Lewis Library (map)


Copy machines accept bills up to $20.00, as well as Rambler Bucks.


Cost Per Sheet (Cash)

Cost Per Sheet (Rambler Bucks)

Black & White






Visitors and alumni may purchase a Courtesy Card for photocopying. Courtesy Cards are available for $1.00 at any ValuePort location. New cards have a balance of $0.00, and require additional funds before use.


The Libraries’ photocopiers include scanners. All users can save their scanned files to USB Drive. Loyola students, faculty, and staff also have the option to send scanned files to Loyola email.

A microform scanner is available on the 1st floor of Cudahy Library. Please visit the Circulation Desk for assistance.